What is Expected of the Scouts?
We expect the scouts to maintain “scout-like” behavior at all times. In general, we expect each scout to
“Do Their Best” in the following areas:
Respect the Pack Leadership and all adults
Respect fellow scouts
Follow the rules and instructions of leaders and adults in the Pack.
Scout-like behavior is NOT reflected in:
Foul language
Threats of physical aggression or violence (verbal or otherwise)
Hurtful or malicious teasing or bullying
Destruction or abuse of property or possessions
Intentionally creating situations that endanger self or others
What is Expected of the Parents?
The adult leaders welcome you and need your help! We volunteer our time to make scouting work for our kids and yours. Usually, adults are reluctant to help out because they were never scouts themselves or they think that they need to know more about scouting to help. We provide the necessary Youth Protection Training, which is all you need to get started. What you do need is the desire to participate and support our Pack. Parental involvement is crucial to the success of our Pack which is solely run on the volunteer efforts of the Pack’s leaders and our youth's parents. Parent volunteers do not need prior Scouting experience. Just a willingness to participate and ‘do their best’... like our Cub Scouts. The more parents that are involved, the more diverse our programs and activities will be; your son or daughter will have more fun. Volunteering offers opportunities for the entire family to have fun and spend more quality time together.
We ask that parents be prepared to:
Help your Den Leader by arriving on time with your Scout, prepared to participate in meetings.
Be appropriately dressed for the weather and the meeting's activities.
Be prepared to stay at meetings and interact with your scout. In the event that you cannot stay with your scout please make sure there is two-deep leadership at any meeting -- never leave your scout without another adult in attendance.
A number of the advancement requirements completed by a Lion, Tiger, Wolf and Bear Scout can be done at home and approved by the scout's parent or guardian. You can assist your scout with their respective adventures during your regular family activities.
Webelos have responsibilities to complete projects at home in order to achieve advancement. Please encourage and assist them to perform those tasks.
Your scout will be invited to participate in Pack-wide events such as fundraisers, community service projects, and other activities to encourage social development. These opportunities support the Pack and the community. Please help by facilitating attendance at these events.
Opportunities are available for you to help that do not require you to be a “leader.” Coordinating or assisting with activities are examples. Your help in these areas are necessary to promote and produce a successful scouting experience.
Lion Cub Adult Partner
The basic element of Lion Cubs is the Lion Cub/Adult Partner team. The adult may be a parent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or even a neighbor 18 years of age or older. The cub and his/her Adult Partner join Lion Cubs together. They do all the family, den meetings, and Go-See-It activities together. The Adult Partner is responsible for seeing that the Lion is successful with his/her advancement in Lion Cubs.
It is required that an adult relative or other guardian attend all meetings, activities and events with each Lion Cub. While we encourage the “official” Adult Partner to attend when possible, we recognize that it may be necessary for another adult to attend in the Adult Partner’s place.
Tiger Cub Adult Partner
The basic element of Tiger Cubs is the Tiger Cub/Adult Partner team. The adult may be a parent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or even a neighbor 18 years of age or older. The cub and his/her Adult Partner join Tiger Cubs together. They do all the family, den meetings, and Go-See-It activities together. The Adult Partner is responsible for seeing that the Tiger is successful with his/her advancement in Tiger Cubs.
It is required that an adult relative or other guardian attend all meetings, activities and events with each Tiger Cub. While we encourage the “official” Adult Partner to attend when possible, we recognize that it may be necessary for another adult to attend in the Adult Partner’s place.
Pack Leadership
We need parents to assume leadership roles within the Pack. Each Den will need a strong Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader to facilitate den meetings and work with the scouts on their adventures, advancements and participation in other pack activities. Most important is a need for adult volunteers to coordinate Pack activities, such as the Pinewood Derby, Blue and Gold Banquet, holiday fundraisers, seasonal recruiting, Scouting For Food and other fun stuff. These can be shared responsibilities as we do not expect one person to manage everything.
Finally, we need parents willing to assume roles as part of the Pack Committee. These position include:
Assistant Cubmaster, Pack secretary, activities and events coordinator. While we are in no hurry to fill these positions, please let us know if you have any interests in these areas. Please help out in any way you can, a hobby like photography would certainly be welcomed during events as would a social media facilitator.
Thank you in advance for your dedication to our children, for helping to grow leaders in our community, and building generations of youth with good moral character for years to come.